Ethiopian-American children Bemnette A. Kassa and Yamelak Solomon live on Gera show!

ጌራ ሾው ላይቭ – ከወጣት በእምነት ካሳ እና የአምላክ ሰለሞን ጋር ለምን እንደሚፆሙና ሃይማኖታቻውስ ለነሱ ምን ማለት አንደሆነ ሲናገሩ የሚያሳይ ልዩና አስገራሚ ቃለ ምልልስ Ethiopian-American children Bemnette A. Kassa and Yamelak Solomon discuss what their religion means to them and why they fast live on the Gera show!

Gera show – Exclusive Interview With Dr. Yonas Biru Part – 2

Europeans are not used to seeing a black man in a position of power at the World Bank? Exclusive Interview with the World Bank’s Former Deputy Global Manager for the International Comparison Program Dr. Yonas Biru, who was on hunger strike for five weeks to protest against the World Bank racist policies! Part – 2

” A performance record that is too-good-to-be-true for a Black Man ” Dr. Yonas Biru

Europeans are not used to seeing a black man in a position of power at the World Bank? Exclusive Interview with the World Bank’s Former Deputy Global Manager for the International Comparison Program Dr. Yonas Biru, who was on hunger strike for five weeks to protest against the World Bank racist policies! Part – 1

Gera Show – Interview with Former Executive Director of the EWLA, Ms. Mahdere Paulos – Part One

Gera Show – Interview with Former Executive Director of the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA), Ms. Mahdere Paulos – Part One ጌራ ሾው – ከቀድሞ የኢትዮጲያ የህግ ባለሙያ ሴቶች ማህበር ዲሬክተር ከወ/ሮ ማህደረ ዻዉሎስ ጋር የተደረገ ቃለ ምልልስ – ክፍል አንድ

ጌራ ሾዉ – ከልዑል ኤርምያስ ሳህለሥላሴ ጋራ የተደረገ ቃለ መጠይቅ ክፍል አንድ –

ጌራ ሾዉ – ከልዑል ኤርምያስ ሳህለሥላሴ ጋራ የተደረገ ቃለ መጠይቅ ክፍል አንድ – Exclusive Interview With Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Part One – Gera Show –