Gera-show Meet With Former Journalist and Diplomat Dr. Mismaku Asrat

Descriptionየጌራ ሾው ለፋሲካ በኣል እንኳን ኣደረሳችሁ እያለ – ” ከጋዜጠኝነት እስከ ዲፕሎማትነት ” በዶክተር ምስማኩ አስራት ትውስታዎች ዙሪያ ያደረግነውን ቃለ ምልልስ ክፍል አንድ ይዞላችሁ ቀርቡኣል!
Gera-show Meet With Former Journalist and Diplomat Dr, Mismaku Asrat, His Memories and Remarkable Journey – Part One

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